Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
How to Hire a Ghostwriter: Understanding Contracts and Fees
How to Hire a Ghostwriter: Understanding Contracts and Fees When it comes to hiring a ghostwriter for your business book, memoir, or novel, you are essentially purchasing a work-for-hire. With this in mind, it’s crucial to ensure that you protect your rights as the buyer, which is where a written ghostwriter agreement comes into play.…
Ghostwriting Fees: Exploring the Cost of Hiring a Professional Ghostwriter
Ghostwriting Fees: Exploring the Cost of Hiring a Professional Ghostwriter What You Need to Know If you’re considering hiring a ghostwriter to help you with your book, you may be wondering about ghostwriting fees. It’s a common question, but the answer is not always straightforward. In fact, many ghostwriters don’t list their rates on their…
How Much Does It Really Cost to Hire a Ghostwriter?
How Much Does It Really Cost to Hire a Ghostwriter? Are you considering hiring a ghostwriter for your book, but unsure about the costs involved? It’s natural to wonder how much you’ll have to spend to turn your ideas into a professional manuscript. In this blog post, we’ll explore the factors that affect ghostwriting rates…
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Ghostwriter for Your Nonfiction Book: Costs and More
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Ghostwriter for Your Nonfiction Book: Costs and More If you’re considering hiring a ghostwriter for your nonfiction book, you’re probably wondering about the cost. The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The cost of hiring a ghostwriter for your nonfiction book will depend on several factors,…
A Step-by-Step Process for Choosing a Ghostwriter for Your Autobiography
A Step-by-Step Process for Choosing a Ghostwriter for Your Autobiography Are you ready to finally tell your life story? Do you want to create a memoir that will inspire, entertain, or educate others? If so, you might want to consider hiring a ghostwriter to help you bring your vision to life. In this blog post,…
Finding the Perfect Person to Pen Your Life Story: Tips and Strategies
Have you ever considered enlisting the help of a professional writer to bring your life story to life? Maybe you’re struggling to figure out which stories to include, or perhaps certain parts of your life are too emotionally difficult to write about. Or maybe you’ve already started writing, but you just can’t seem to make…
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